Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Not the first time...

As Guillaume - also known as Pecanio - told you, we traveled a bit in Europe together before thinking about going to New Zealand together. Over the last 4 years, we did some good skiing in Italy, tried hundreds of beers in Belgium (as well on the Place du Luxembourg as in the Thalys fast train), got lost in Brussels at night, had some really cool parties in our friends' flats (thanks Henri & Loïc) in Paris, drunk a bottle of south african red wine on a bench along a gracht in Amsterdam, spent a funny week in Arnhem (Netherlands)... We even drunk some pastis on a remote beach somewhere in Wales, near Bridgend, as you can see on this picture... In other words, going away together is not a brand new experience as far as we are concerned. Sure, this time, it's totally different as we're going for a long period - a full year. Let's see where this new adventure will drive us...

Take care,


guillaume's reasons for leaving

you're right Jey, it's better and more simple for everybody to write in english, even if my english is really not good, but you told it very well Jey, Not Yet! pour ceux qui ont peur la, bin vous inquietez pas je vais pas tout ecrire en si je voulez j'ai pas le niveau!
so why i wanna go to New Zealand...actually, i finished my studies too, i really don't like the way we take (i mean, society, you know...) i just love nature, i like meet people and having fun, i love travelling and with Jey, we already have some trip in Europe i wanna see the world...why New Zealand, because it's in my mind since the age of 15, why? don't know why... i just know i wanna improve my english, and that i will touch the ground of New Zealand during the night of the 14th of February.... see this part of the world and tell you how what it is........

pecanio ;)

Jey's reasons for leaving

Piha Beach, NZ Posted by Picasa

Maybe I should write in english, so that everybody could understand what we're going to say through this blog...
You know, Guillaume & I have already some overseas friends that could appreciate to read what's going to happen for us... I just hope our french friends and our family will be able to understand everything ! We're not great english writers nor english speakers (i mean, not yet !), but we'll try to do our best to make this blog easier to read.
So... how to start ? First, why are we going away ? And why did we choose to go to the other side of the world ?
I don't have Guillaume's answer, but for me it's quite simple... I simply love New Zealand ! I've already been there in 2004 (I stayed 8 months overall, based in auckland, that's why I was able to post a picture from Piha Beach, just above...), and I just realized that this side of the world was the best for me...
Actually I didn't realize, but I felt. Now, I need a confirmation ! As I've just finished my studies in France, I thought it was time for me, now, to leave. For a year ? Forever ? Future will say !


Départ dans moins d'un mois...

Aotearoa... le pays du long nuage blanc... C'est là bas, à l'autre bout du monde, en Nouvelle-Zélande, que nous allons poser nos affaires, Guillaume et moi, dans moins de quatre semaines...
Quand on y pense, c'est cool, ce concept de blog. Ainsi, vous allez pouvoir suivre nos aventures, et, on vous le garantit, vous ne manquerez pas grand chose de l'action !
La Nouvelle-Zélande comme si vous étiez, c'est ici, même heure, même blog, à partir du 15 février 2006 !
