De la merde. Shit
Bon moi, en ce moment, j'fais bien de la merde. Mardi dernier, j'ai oublie de souhaiter happy birthday a Pecanio, le vendredi, ce n'est qu'apres etre arrives a l'aeroport (on avait un entretien concernant un job au magasin duty free) que je me suis rendu compte que j'avais oublie dans la chambre nos CV, et enfin, samedi soir, j'ai reussi a faire tomber ma cle USB (qui contenait nos CV en anglais et mis a jour, ainsi que quelques photos et des lettres de motiv'...) dans une bouche d'egout. Bon, peut-etre qu'on peut mettre tout ca sur le compte du decalage horaire... en plus c'est cool, depuis samedi je n'ai plus fait de boulettes (si l'on excepte mes t-shirts qui ont malencontreusement retreci et change de couleur apres le lavage, et mon dos - que j'avais neglige au moment d'etaler la creme solaire - qui a carrement crame hier a la plage).
Sinon tout va bien ; Pecanio a meme trouve un boulot. Il est "barback" si j'ai bien compris, a defaut d'etre maitre barbeuq. Mais il semble ravi. Maintenant c'est a moi d'en trouver un !
Desoles si on n'a pas mis de photos depuis un certain temps, mais il faut d'abord que je me rachete une cle USB !
I'm doing shit right now... Last tuesday, I forgot to wish happy birthday to Pecanio, then on friday, I didn't realise before we get to the airport for an interview that I had forgotten our resumes, and finally, on saturday evening, I let my USB stick (which contains our english resumes, some pics and a cover letter) fall into a sewer in the street... Well, maybe I haven't recovered from the jet lag yet... That said, i did nothing wrong since saturday (except when I did a washing machine - my t-shirts have changed colors and become way shorter - and when I forgot to put sun cream protection on my back at Omaha beach yesterday - my back is redder than red now -).
Everything's ok, though. Pecanio even found a job ; he's a "barback" now, if I well understood what he told me. He seems happy with that ; now it's my turn to find a job !
Sorry if we hadn't posted pictures for a while, but I first need to buy another USB stick !
Sinon tout va bien ; Pecanio a meme trouve un boulot. Il est "barback" si j'ai bien compris, a defaut d'etre maitre barbeuq. Mais il semble ravi. Maintenant c'est a moi d'en trouver un !
Desoles si on n'a pas mis de photos depuis un certain temps, mais il faut d'abord que je me rachete une cle USB !
I'm doing shit right now... Last tuesday, I forgot to wish happy birthday to Pecanio, then on friday, I didn't realise before we get to the airport for an interview that I had forgotten our resumes, and finally, on saturday evening, I let my USB stick (which contains our english resumes, some pics and a cover letter) fall into a sewer in the street... Well, maybe I haven't recovered from the jet lag yet... That said, i did nothing wrong since saturday (except when I did a washing machine - my t-shirts have changed colors and become way shorter - and when I forgot to put sun cream protection on my back at Omaha beach yesterday - my back is redder than red now -).
Everything's ok, though. Pecanio even found a job ; he's a "barback" now, if I well understood what he told me. He seems happy with that ; now it's my turn to find a job !
Sorry if we hadn't posted pictures for a while, but I first need to buy another USB stick !
Pecanio : barback, et tu dis "il me SEMBLE ravi" Si c'est bien ce ke je crois, j'avoue ne pas comprendre! il EST ravi j'en suis suuuurr!! ;)
bon a ton tour de trouver maintenant!
choé les copains
eh ben bonjour la galere les gars, c bien joué, surtout la cle USB ds les égouts j'aurais pas pu faire mieux!!
au fait c koi Barback?
Where are u working? How is the 42 below going! Do u guys have a car yet? Bummer about the usb stick! Somebody must have been drinking!!!!!!!
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